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Load Bulk Records Using CSV with the Custom Metadata Loader

1. Download the Complete application Zip file from the git hub  Source . 2. Deploy the Downloaded Zip file into your org using below tools Ant Eclipse WorkBench 3. Once you have deployed the zip file successfully it will creates below components 10 Apex Classes 2  Apex Page 1  Custom Application 1  Custom meta data type 1  Custom tab 1  Permission Set 4. Goto Setup-->Permission Sets-->Click on Custom Metadata loader-->Manage Assignments 5. Click on Add Assignments -->Add the users to whom you want to give access for this App. 6. Goto Application menu Select Custom Metadata Loader application. 7. Clicking on Custom Metadata Loader you will be receiving below error. 8. To fix this issue do the following steps: Create a remote Site           Remote Site Name : Name (Example : c_mdapi )           Remo...

Feature Management Class

To check Custom Permission and Other Features Check and modify the values of feature parameters, and to show or hide custom objects and custom permissions in your subscribers’ orgs. Syntax: FeatureManagement.checkPermission('CustomPermission_apiName'); Return Type: Boolean Example :  public   static   Boolean havingCperm =   FeatureManagement. checkPermission( apiName); OR if( FeatureManagement. checkPermission( apiName) ){your logic} ClickHere for More Details. For information about feature parameters, see “Get Started with the Feature Management App” in the  ISVforce Guide . In TestClass  to assign PermissionSet Use:  PermissionSet   ps  = [SELECT  Id , Name  FROM  PermissionSet  WHERE  Name  =  'apiName' ]; PermissionSetAssignment   psa  =  new   PermissionSetAssignment (); psa . AssigneeId  =  UserInfo . getUserId (); psa . PermissionSetId  = ...

Relationship In Salesforce

Relationship In Salesforce 1. Master-detail relationship 2. Lookup relationship 3. Self-relationship 4. External lookup relationship 5. Indirect lookup relationship 6. Many-to-many relationship (junction object) 7. Hierarchical relationship Master-detail relationship It is a strongly coupled relationship among Salesforce objects, which means if a master record gets deleted, then the child records associated with it are also deleted. In this type of relationship, the parent record controls the behavior of the child record regarding visibility and sharing . It means the security setting of a parent object applies to the child object. When there is a master-detail relationship between two objects, you can create a unique type of field over the master object, called  Roll-up summary . A roll-up summary field allows us to calculate values from child records, such as the number of child records linked to a parent record. Lookup relationship It is a loosely coupled relat...

Salesforce Platform features (MVC pattern)

A  controller  can send commands to its associated view to change the view’s presentation of the model (e.g., by scrolling through a document). It can also send commands to the model to update the model’s state (e.g., editing a document). A  model  notifies its associated views and controllers when there has been a change in its state. This notification allows the views to produce updated output, and the controllers to change the available set of commands. A  view  requests from the model the information that it needs to generate an output representation. Some Examples: 1. Visual Force pages, Page Layouts, Tabs comes under View Layer of Model View controller . 2. Workflows, Apex Classes, Triggers, Validation Rules comes under Controller part in Model View controller . 3. Objects, Fields, Relationships comes under Model Layer of Model View Controller .

VS Code And Salesforce CLI Setup

Download VS Code From the Below Link For Windows : Windows x64   For Mac :    macOS For Linux :   Linux x64 .deb Install the Salesforce CLI  You install the Salesforce CLI Download the .pkg file. Double-click the .pkg file. Verify Your Installation Verify your Salesforce CLI installation and plug-in versions. Run this command to verify the Salesforce CLI version:  sfdx --version Salesforce Extension Pack Install the Salesforce Extension Pack in VS Code : INSTALL

Lightning Web Component

Avoid Using Server side Call(Apex Class) using  lightning/uiRecordApi . For Toast in LWC use lightning/platformShowToastEvent. Example : import OBJECT from '@salesforce/schema/ObjectAPIName'; import NAME_FIELD from '@salesforce/schema/ObjectAPIName.FieldAPIName'; ObjectAPIName can be Account/Contact/CustomObject__c FieldAPIName can be Name (FieldAPIName). Lwc_DemoComponent.js: import  {  LightningElement ,  track }  from   'lwc' ; import  {  createRecord  }  from   'lightning/uiRecordApi' ; import  {  ShowToastEvent  }  from   'lightning/platformShowToastEvent' ; import   OBJECT   from   '@salesforce/schema/ObjectAPIName' ; import   NAME_FIELD   from   '@salesforce/schema/ObjectAPIName.FieldAPIName' ; export   default   class   Lwc_DemoComponent   extends   LightningElement  {      isActive ...

Platform App Builder Certification Maintenance (Summer ’19)

1. Which attribute can an app builder use to make a dependent picklist screen component in flow screens required? Ans: {!$GlobalConstant.True}. 2. How can an app builder determine what flow type best meets a specific business process? Ans: Flow Templates 3. An app builder needs to notify an account owner of a new support case logged by a high-risk account. Which feature should the app builder use to send a custom notification to the account owner? Ans: Notification Builder. 4. Agents need to be able to see email attachments easily when reviewing cases. Which related list can the app builder add to the case page layout? Ans: Files related list 5. Where should an app builder go to create a Lightning letterhead after enabling enhanced letterheads for Lightning email templates? Ans: App Launcher> Enhanced Letterheads. For exercise. 1.Enable Path Setting before start and do according to trial head.

Platform Developer I Certification Maintenance (Summer '19)

1.What allows Flows to manipulate complex data types that are often returned from calls to web services? Answer: Apex Defined Data type 2. What is the benefit of using the Continuation class in Apex to make a long-running request to an external web service? ANS: more long-running callouts can be using as Continution 3. Which Lightning web component configuration file tag set specifies the form factors that the component supports? Ans: supportedFormFactors 4. Which tag adds the Lightning Web Components for Visualforce JavaScript library to a Visualforce page? Ans: <apex:includeLightning/> Exercise : Click this link: install Package Update the BatchLeadConvert class to implement the Database.RaisesPlatformEvents marker interface. See below Example : public with sharing class BatchLeadConvert implements Database.Batchable<SObject>, Database.RaisesPlatformEvents { // class implementation } Write a trigger on BatchApexErrorEvent object; ...

Admin Maintenance Summer 19

1.An administrator needs to customize hyperlinks to match corporate branding. Which setting can the administrator set to assign custom colors to hyperlinks? Ans: use brand Color 2. How can different Activities Views be used once the default Activities View is enabled by the administrator? Ans: User can switch the preference 3.Which filter option can an administrator recommend to help a manager filter on tasks for their team? Ans: My team task 4. By how many levels can dashboard components be sorted? Ans: 2 5. Which dashboard component should an administrator use to show subtotals? Ans: Lightning Tabel For exercise. 1.Activate enhance security. In Quick find box type ==> Lightning Email Templates  Enable Folders and Enhanced Sharing 2.Create a folder sales and add image(ur choice). In Lightning app menu Search for "Email Template" Create a Folder called "Sales" Create a Email Template Name "General" Subject "Gen...

Salesforce Certification Study Materials

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