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Showing posts with the label Platform Developer I Certification Maintenance (Winter '22)

Platform Developer I Certification Maintenance (Winter '22)

 As we know Salesforce always add new features and based on that there are releases. This maintenance is all about Custom Metadata Type in apex. You no longer need to write a Salesforce Object Query Language (SOQL) to access custom metadata records in Apex. How: Use the new Apex getAll(), getInstance(recordId), getInstance(qualifiedApiName), or getInstance(developerName) methods to retrieve custom metadata type records.  Descriptions: getAll() Returns a map containing custom metadata records for the specific custom metadata type. The map's keys are the IDs (as String) of the records and the map's values are the record sObjects. getInstance(recordId) Returns a single custom metadata type record sObject for a specified record ID. getInstance(developerName) Returns a single custom metadata type record sObject for a specified developerName field of the custom metadata type object. getInstance(qualifiedApiName) Returns a single custom metadata type record sObject for a qualif...
