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Showing posts with the label App Builder Winter 20 Notes.

Platform App Builder Certification Maintenance (Winter ’20)

1. ' Use Accordian component' to organize components into collapsible sections on a home page. 2. ' DATEVALUE() ' formula provides a workaround for daylight savings time values. 3. ' 300 ' approval processes can be active for each object. 4. With ' Wrap Text ' a Sales reps can see all the text in the Description column in the insert email template window. 5. ' 2000 ' custom objects can an App Builder create. 6. On ' Flow builder canvas ' an App Builder will see a flow's scheduled start time. 7. Custom notification types are created in ' Notification Builder '. 8. An App Builder wants to Activate a Flow from the Flow Builder. The Activate button is located in ' button Bar '. Check out Comments for More Info:-
