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Object/Action name present in Org with Queryable/Retrieveable/Searchable and many more Status in Query

We always want to know what are the objects present in salesforce so we can utilize any existing if needed or to understand the structure more. Here are few ways which help you to do that.

Basic Code to get all object without any query:

Schema.DescribeSObjectResult objResult = o.getDescribe();
            String obj = objResult.getName(); 

Basic code to get Object record count, don't run for all object you might get exception of 101 SOQL. Try to run this in a loop of first 100 then 100-200 and more based on need.


            Schema.DescribeSObjectResult objResult = o.getDescribe();
            String obj = objResult.getName();
            Integer count = 0;
            q = 'SELECT Count() FROM ' + obj;
                count = Database.countQuery(q);
            }catch(Exception e){
            System.Debug(objResult.getName() + '-->' + count);

Now I'll sharing the Query which can be used to get even more detail about object such as whether object is Queryable or Retrieveable via metadata or Searchable or not.

SELECT  QualifiedApiName FROM EntityDefinition order by QualifiedApiName 

EntityDefinition: It is very necessary to understand the capability of this object. To use this object and query efficiently one should use This Link  to understand the available options and the object structure.

Query to get all Fields of any object:

select QualifiedApiName, Label, Description, DataType, RelationshipName 
From FieldDefinition 
where EntityDefinition.DeveloperName='Account'

 To get all relations fields please add the below query to where clause of above:

and RelationshipName != null


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