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Load Bulk Records Using CSV with the Custom Metadata Loader

1. Download the Complete application Zip file from the git hub Source.

2. Deploy the Downloaded Zip file into your org using below tools
  • Ant
  • Eclipse
  • WorkBench
3. Once you have deployed the zip file successfully it will creates below components
  • 10 Apex Classes
  • 2  Apex Page
  • 1  Custom Application
  • 1  Custom meta data type
  • 1  Custom tab
  • 1  Permission Set
4. Goto Setup-->Permission Sets-->Click on Custom Metadata loader-->Manage Assignments

5. Click on Add Assignments -->Add the users to whom you want to give access for this App.

6. Goto Application menu Select Custom Metadata Loader application.

7. Clicking on Custom Metadata Loader you will be receiving below error.

8. To fix this issue do the following steps:
  • Create a remote Site
          Remote Site Name : Name (Example : c_mdapi )
          Remote Site URL       : Copied page URL of the error page shown in Step-7.
          Active                      : Checked
9. Now everything is finished on clicking on the Custom metadata loader you will receive the below screen.So you can start uploading the .csv file to insert the records.

  • The .csv file header names must be the Api names of the Custom meta data type for auto mapping the fields.
  • Take care of special character such as: '  ;  & etc...
Thanks and Happy Learning :)


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