Platform Developer I Certification Maintenance (Spring '19)
1. Which Apex interface can be implemented to allow My Domain users to log in with something other than their username and password?
A. Auth.AuthToken
A. Auth.AuthToken
B. Auth.VerificationMethod
C. Auth.LoginDiscoveryHandler
D. Auth.MyDomainLoginDiscoveryHandler
2. With Spring '19, which method returns a list of OrgLimit instances used to investigate limits and their names, current value, and maximum value?
A. getAll() from the System.OrgLimit Class
B. getAll() from the System.OrgLimits Class
C. getInstances() from the System.OrgLimit Class
D. getInstances() from the System.OrgLimits Class
3. With Spring '19, which properties of an unhandled Apex exception are available in Event Monitoring log files?
A. Static variable state and stack trace
B. Exception type, name, and static variable state
C. Stack trace, user's location, and exception type
D. Exception message, exception type name, and stack trace
4. Which field of the SandboxInfo object is a reference to the ID of the SandboxInfo that served as the source org for a cloned sandbox?
A. SourceId
B. TemplateId
C. SandboxName
D. SandboxInfoId
5. You created a custom metadata type to handle your company's warranty policy. The custom metadata type's label is WarrantyRule. For it, you created a custom field labeled Warranty and a metadata record labeled Gold. What is the correct syntax to reference the value stored in the Gold metadata record?
A. $WarrantyRule.Gold.Warranty__c
B. $WarrantyRule__mdt.Gold.Warranty
C. $CustomMetadata.WarrantyRule.Gold.Warranty
D. $CustomMetadata.WarrantyRule__mdt.Gold.Warranty__c
Hands-on Challenge :
1. Create a new custom field on the Contact object to establish a field that contains sensitive information about the secret keys of our customers.
Field Label: Secret Key
Type: TextField Name: Secret_Key
Length: 255
2. Uncheck the Visible box for the “Standard User” profile when defining field-level security.
3. Create a new Apex Class Named "SecureApexRest" & Paste the below code:
global with sharing class SecureApexRest {
global static Contact doGet(){
Id recordId = RestContext.request.params.get('id');
Contact result;
List<Contact> results = [SELECT id, Name, Secret_Key__c FROM Contact WHERE Id = :recordId WITH SECURITY_ENFORCED];
if (!results.isEmpty()) {
result = results[0];
throw new QueryException('You don\'t have access to all contact fields required to use this API');
return result;
public class QueryException extends Exception{}
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